Project //

Online News
Web Development
Art Direction
Public Relations
Where to eat, how to eat
The Hungry Post started off as a relatively normal foodie blog – a way for South Floridians to gather credible restaurant recommendations and make the ever-so-difficult “where to eat” problem a little easier. With the brand’s focus on honest writing and deep knowledge of the community, we saw growth potential in revamping their website to feature a new, more engaging approach to blogging. Our strategy with all our design work was simple – evolve the ways that people interact with the site, and the brand will evolve with it.
People needed a change of scenery from the usual blog design, so we played with numerous layouts to find one that made every headline enticing and made every click a potential rabbit-hole into South Florida’s deliciousness. We also introduced a new “Find a Restaurant” tool that offers a non-biased way to search for restaurants in South Florida by allowing Hungries to filter by restaurant type, price, time of day, and neighborhood.

Following our work, the Hungry Post saw a 60% increase in website traffic and our studio also won a Webby Honoree Award for Best Cultural/Blog website in 2019 for our work on the site.
Accompanying our web-design work, our PR team launched the #FeedTheChain social campaign in 2020 – a grassroots effort to keep South Florida’s food scene alive amid the pandemic. The idea was to consider everybody involved in getting food to our mouths, from suppliers, delivery drivers, distributors, wholesalers, purveyors, farmers, and more, and help them by purchasing $10 meals from restaurants to help them stay operational.
Thus far, #FeedTheChain has raised over $19,000,including a donation from the Desai Sethi Foundation to launch #FeedTheChain in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area.
Let the good times roll
Spreading omatanshi to Miami